Sanitation workers' Cooperative

In Nepal, persons who typically work in sanitation-related jobs are at the lowest level of the caste system (Dalits, Harijan or untouchables). They live in un-serviced informal settlements around the cities, in which living conditions are amongst the worst in Nepal, and typically work in un-dignifying conditions without training or benefits, or opportunities for upward mobility. Key to Aerosan's mission and strategy for sustainability is to improve the working conditions and financial well-being of the sanitation workers.

Members interact at a leadership training session
The Independent Sanitation Worker Group
The Independent Sanitation Workers Group (ISWG) was formed as a result of engaging members of the sanitation community in Nepal to be a part of the long-term solution. Members are motivated not only to improve their livelihoods but also to gain respect from their community for the work that they do.
Aerosan works to empower our toilet staff and their community by supporting the ISWG to establish the Sanitation Workers Cooperative. The co-op has a work placement program that will provide opportunities for members for other dignified jobs outside of Aerosan, and social support services as needed. Funds can be used to upgrade communal facilities in the informal settlements in which the sanitation workers live. Aerosan in partnership with local NGO assists in this process.

Taking care of our community with dignity and respect
Currently, there are 70 registered members led by an elected committee of women.

Anju Deula, President

Padma Deula, Secretary